Wednesday, May 5, 2010

And...More Zombies

Sometimes when I run out of inspiration I'll go look through Duotrope and check out what different markets are looking for and try to write something specifically for that market. That's what I did for the piece that got published in Sex and Murder magazine, and obviously it worked.

Here's me hunting for a market for a story I wrote and I come across the name Sex and Murder magazine. I chuckle, then I think about it for a moment, then I think to myself: I wonder if I could write a story that has both sex and murder in it and get them to take it?

So Robbing the Cradle was born. Sure enough they snatched it right up, it was in issue 6. I must note that normally my stories do not contain sex, as for some reason I am just not comfortable writing those scenes. I guess I'd suck as a romance novelist. Snicker.

Anyway, as I looked through the markets yesterday I came upon an anthology that was looking for Zombie stories. But there was a catch. They will only accept stories from female writers. Hell Yeah! My last two stories involved Zombies, but they were primarily animal Zombies. This one wants the traditional human brain eating variety. I think I've come up with an idea that involves both traditional Zombies with a little man hating thrown in. It's gonna be awesome ;)

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